Search Results - "Istanbul (Turkey)"

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    Turning points in history: the fall of Constantinople

    The idea of turning points in history is distinctly old-fashioned. We have been taught that historical change is a matter of constant evolution; not one of events, even if they have the effect of …

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    Istanbul : vzpomínky na město

    Istanbul, je citlivou, kultivovanou, impresionistickou směsí cesto- či spíše místopisu, kulturní historie a autobiografických memoárů. Autor v něm s láskou, rozpaky i nemalou pýchou …


    Found in 56 institutions

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    Paul the silentiary's description of Hagia Sophia in the light of new archaeological evidence

    Paul the Silentiary’s famous description of the church of Hagia Sophia, built on the orders of Justinian I between 532 and 537,1 has understandably attracted much attention from architectural …
