King Lear : level 3

To chci

King Lear is old but not wise. He loves the two daughters who secretly hate him. He hates the only daughter who really loves him. In time, he discovers his mistake. Has he learnt his lesson? Or will his proud and angry nature bring him even more sadness and pain?

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Podrobná bibliografie

Hlavní autor
Chris Rice, 1952-
Další autoři
William Shakespeare, 1564-1616., Andy Hopkins , Jocelyn Potter, 1955- , Paul McCaffrey
Typ dokumentu
Fyzický popis
54 s. : il. ; 20 cm
Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2010
Penguin readers (Pearson Education). Level 3
Uživatelské určení
Level 3 (A2)


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