Výsledky vyhledávání - "Matrix"

1 - 20 z 1 153 Upřesnit hledání
1 - 20 z 1 153
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    Extracellular matrix : a practical approach


    The extracellular matrix surrounds cells and tissues. It provides structure to organisms and is important in determining cell growth, state of differentiation, and how the cell responds during injury …

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    The creative matrix of the origins : dynamisms, forces and the shaping of life. book 2


    Creative force or creative shaping? This unprecedented effort to plumb the workings of the ontopoiesis of life by disentangling its primordial forces and shaping devices as they enter into the …

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    Co bude dál?

    Takže by si člověk mohl vlastně říct, že to byla od strojů přátelská služba, když konečně odstranily lidskou rasu ze skutečného světa a umístily lidi do virtuálněreálných …

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    Matrix metalloproteinase protocols


    Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Comprehensive set of proven and cutting-edge methods for studying MMPs and TIMPs. Summarizes the experience of expert laboratorians, and presents reproducible …

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    Monoklonální protilátky proti COMP : charakterizace nových monoklonálních protilátek a jejich využití v klinických studiích

    Bude chrakterizován soubor 73 mAb proti COMP, identifikovány tkáňové selektivní mAb a mAb inhibující vazbu COMP na kolagen, a vyvinuta ELISA umožňující přesnější hodnocení progrese a …


    Nalezeno v 1 instituci

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    Guidebook to the extracellular matrix, anchor, and adhesion proteins


    This new edition collects up-to-date information on the purification, activities, antibodies and genes for proteins found in the extracellular matrix, and those known to be involved in cell-cell …

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    Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs

    This book is an up-to-date and comprehensive collection of data about the matrix metalloproteinases--enzymes which breakdown the extracellular matrix and their specific inhibitors. It is appropriate …

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    Philosophers explore The Matrix


    The Matrix trilogy is unique among recent popular films in that it is constructed around important philosophical questions--classic questions which have fascinated philosophers and other thinkers for …
