Výsledky vyhledávání - "psycholinguistics"

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    Michael Garman

    1994, c1990

    This book is an introduction to psycholinguistics, the study of human language processing. It deals with the central areas of this field, the language abilities of the linguistically mature, …

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    Language and mind : enlarged edition

    This is the long-awaited third edition of Chomsky's outstanding collection of essays on language and mind. The first six chapters, originally published in the 1960s, made a groundbreaking …


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    Psycholinguistics : <<a >>resource book for students

    Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students. Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of …


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    Slova a pravidla : složky jazyka

    Jak funguje jazyk a jak se učíme mluvit? Proč se jazyky během doby mění a proč mají tolik zvláštností a nepravidelností? Tyto a další záhady jazyka odhaluje autor bestselleru Jazykový …
